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Writer's pictureShannon Landreth

Analytics Made Simple: How to Use Data to Achieve Your Business Goals

Updated: Sep 25

I want to challenge you to think of data not just as a sea of numbers, but as a map and a guiding force behind the decisions you make in your business. And unless you're a cartographer in addition to running your own business, you may find these data maps difficult to decipher — let alone, navigate.

So, if you've been staring at your data and finding it more overwhelming than actionable, that's where The Marketing Lighthouse comes in. Data and analytics provide insights into your performance, customer behaviour, and market trends, helping you make informed decisions that drive growth.

Let’s break down how to measure what matters, refine your strategies with data, and optimize your marketing efforts best to achieve your goals.

No One-Size-Fits-All Approach

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: forget about one-size-fits-all marketing in any aspect. Your business is unique, and so are your goals.

For example, if you’re just starting, you might want to keep an eye on how many new leads you’re bringing in. If you’re an established brand, you might want to focus on customer loyalty instead.

There are a plethora of analytics you can focus on, and the way to decide on your key metrics is directly tied to the direction you're aiming to guide your business toward.

As you refine your strategies based on unique business goals, you might need expert guidance to steer your growth effectively. Learn how a growth marketing expert can guide your business to new heights in our blog: Guiding Your Business to New Horizons: The Crucial Role of a Growth Marketing Expert.

Key Metrics to Watch

Here are a few key metrics you should pay attention to:

  1. Conversion Rates: This tells you how many of your leads are turning into customers. Higher rates mean your marketing is on point! On the flip side, a low conversion rate might signal a need for adjustment in your approach — whether that’s tweaking your messaging or improving your sales funnel. For example: Let's say you have 200 people visit your website and the main page has a pop-up guiding people to sign up for your newsletter. If 20 of those people sign up for the newsletter, your conversion rate is 10% (20/200). 

  2. Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI): This shows how much profit your marketing efforts bring in compared to what you spend. It’s a simple way to see if your marketing is paying off. A higher ROMI means your marketing is working well — you're bringing in more money than you’re spending. For example: Imagine you spend $100 on a marketing campaign and it brings in $400 in sales. Your ROMI is 300%, meaning for every dollar you spent, you earned $3 in profit.

  3. Engagement Rates: This metric is crucial for understanding how well your social media content is resonating with your audience. It measures how many people are interacting with your posts (likes, shares, comments, clicks, etc.) compared to how many people actually see them (your reach). Higher engagement relative to your reach indicates that your content is not just being seen — it's sparking interest and action from your audience.

  4. Website Traffic: This shows how many people visit your site. More visitors usually mean your marketing is working, but check if they’re sticking around and taking action! Which leads us to

  5. Bounce Rate: This tells you the percentage of visitors who leave your site after just one page. A high bounce rate might suggest that visitors aren't finding what they want, but it doesn't always mean something is wrong. Sometimes, if people find what they need right away, they don't need to spend a lot of time on your site. 

This is a good opportunity to gather customer feedback, as well as consider working with a marketing expert to make sense of these numbers. Collecting data is one thing, but knowing how to use it effectively is what really counts.

By focusing on these metrics, you can get a clearer picture of how well your marketing strategies are performing and where you might need to make adjustments. 

You'll need to have a goal and direction in mind first for your company, and from there you'll then pick the metrics that help you understand how well you’re doing. The result? Marketing based on strategy that will expertly guide your next moves.

Using Data to Refine Your Strategies

Analyzing data is about more than just looking at numbers — it’s about spotting trends and making smart decisions. You want to make sure the actions you take make the most sense and are leading you toward your goals.

Let's say, for example, that your data is showing a high bounce rate for your website, it might be time to tweak your messaging. Or, if your audience isn't engaging on social media but is showing an interest in email promotion, an email newsletter could better serve your goals.

When to Stick with What Works and When to Shake Things Up

If your current metrics are helping you hit your targets and keep you on track, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel! In that case, consistency will gain the best results.

If however, your current data shows less traction than you're hoping for, it's often a sign that you need to shake things up. 

Here are some examples of when to make a switch:

  • Changing Business Focus: If your business strategy or focus shifts, your metrics need to align with these new objectives. For example: If your company initially focused on acquiring new customers, your focus would've been on tracking metrics like new customer acquisition and lead generation. But if the current strategy has shifted to enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty, you’ll want to pivot toward metrics like customer satisfaction ratings to ensure your new focus is properly measured.

  • Underperforming Campaigns: If certain marketing campaigns or strategies aren’t delivering the results you expected, it might be time to reassess your metrics to find out what’s going wrong and adjust your approach. For example: Imagine you’re running a social media ad campaign aimed at driving conversions, but your click-through rate (CTR) is much lower than expected. You might need to look deeper into your ad targeting, creative, or even the landing page to identify what's causing the low performance.

  • Outdated Metrics: As technology and tools evolve, some of your old metrics might become obsolete. If new analytics tools offer better insights, it’s time to update your metrics to take advantage of these improvements. For example: If you've been tracking email open rates as your primary metric for email marketing success, but new tools now offer more detailed engagement insights — like time spent reading, link heatmaps, and forward rates — it might be time to shift your focus. These advanced metrics can provide a deeper understanding of how your audience interacts with your content.

​​Considering a shift based on your data? It could be a good idea to revisit the platforms you're using. For tips on finding the right marketing channels to boost your approach, check out our blog How to Pick the Best Marketing Channels for Your Business.

Making the Most of Your Data

Tracking and analyzing the right data for your business can make you feel less like you're deciphering a confusing map, and more like you've been handed a GPS. It’s not just about having the data, but about interpreting it to find the best path forward.

When you focus on the right metrics, you'll uncover insights that help you refine your strategies and optimize your marketing efforts. You’ll start to see patterns, understand what’s working, and identify areas that need a tweak or a complete overhaul.

Remember, data isn’t static — it evolves as your business grows and market conditions change. Regularly reviewing and updating your metrics ensures you stay on the right track and continue to make informed decisions that drive growth.

So, if you’re feeling lost in the sea of data and numbers or just need a hand in steering your marketing ship, don’t hesitate to reach out. Let’s work together to navigate your data, refine your strategies, and turn those numbers into actionable insights that propel your business forward. Contact me today for a free consultation, and let’s chart your course to success!

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